Belle Book "A Tale of Two Outlaws" by Belle Book Part Six (Author's notes: in this part, there will be a duel and the end result will involve a death. However, I plan on keeping the death a clean one, with minimal violence. Also, I am introducing another character I created -- Don Andres de la Cruz.) Los Angeles, the following day Don Alejandro, Diego, Felipe, and Carmen arrive in town. They were going to keep an eye on Don Luis, since they knew he was dangerous. As they arrived at Victoria's Tavern, they saw Don Luis leaving the tavern. "Felipe, why don't you follow Don Luis," said Diego. "See what he's up to." Carmen said, "I'll go with the boy. I want to keep an eye on Don Luis as well. Si, I'll miss breakfast, but I'll have some as soon as I find out what he's up to." "Will you promise to stay with Felipe and not wander off?" Diego ask- ed. Carmen said, "I promise, Don Diego." So, Diego and Don Alejandro went into the tavern while Felipe and Carmen followed Don Luis. Inside the tavern, Victoria greeted them and served them break- fast. "Gracias, Victoria," said Don Alejandro. "Where is Felipe? And Senorita Carmen?" asked Victoria. "They'll be along," said Don Alejandro. "We saw Don Luis leaving the tavern as we arrived," said Diego. "Si," said Victoria. "He said he wanted to look around the pueblo." At that moment, Sergeant Men- doza arrived at the tavern. "Buenos dias, Sergeant," said Victoria. "Buenos dias," said Mendoza. "I'm here for breakfast. What do you have?" "Frijoles," said Victoria. "I'll have some," said Mendoza. "Are there any tamales as well?" "For lunch," said Victoria. "Is Inez Resendo on her way to Monterey?" asked Don Alejandro. "Two soldiers left early this morning with her," Mendoza said. At that moment, all of them heard sounds of commotion outside. "What's going on outside?" Don Alejandro asked. "I don't know, but I think we should find out," said Diego. In fact, the few people in the tavern for breakfast were getting up to see what the commotion was all a- bout. Don Alejandro, Diego, Victoria, and Mendoza joined them. ______________________________________________________ Outside the tavern The commotion was being caused by Don Luis. He was speaking to a crowd of people, which included Felipe and Carmen. "People of Los Angeles, lis- ten to me," he said. "In Mexico, the winds of change are occurring. The head of the military, Iturbide, and the revolutionary leader, Vincente Guerrero, have agreed to make Mexico independent. "People are deserting Ferd- inand VII and supporting him. I have left Mexico, but I am certain that they are still doing so there. I've come to bring to California what is coming to Mexico -- freedom from Spain and Spanish tyranny!" That's when Alcalde DeSoto, who'd come out to listen to the com- motion, spoke. "How dare you attempt to in- cite rebellion?" "I dare because it's inevit- able," said Don Luis. Carmen was worried. Alcalde DeSoto was a peninsulare, a person born in Spain, and a very proud man, from what she'd learned from Diego and Don Alejandro. And she knew well what Don Luis was like. One of them might well insult the other, leading to a duel. She hoped that wouldn't happen. "Maybe in Mexico, it's in- evitable, but not in California," said Alcalde DeSoto. "Mexico will gain its inde- pendence, and when it does, Cali- fornia will join it," said Don Luis. "That will never happen, I am certain," said DeSoto. "Senores," a voice from the crowd interrupted. It was Diego. "Senores, let's be reasonable, por favor. Even if independence from Spain is inevitable, surely blood- shed isn't inevitable." Don Luis turned to face Di- ego. So did the Alcalde. "So. Don Diego de la Vega. You were always trying to stop me in the University," Don Luis said. "Only because you were try- ing to provoke fights," Diego ex- plained. "And you still hate blood- shed and violence," said DeSoto. "You'd rather be reading books or playing music or writing poetry." Carmen knew that was not true, but she knew better than to say that. She looked at Don Luis, and saw a slightly confused look come across his face before he re- turned his attention to DeSoto and said, "You always were proud of being a peninsulare, one born in Spain. But you're nothing more than a coward." "A coward?" DeSoto cried. "Gentlemen," Diego began, but Don Luis continued. "Si, a coward. You can't face the truth about California. California will be free, and I will help make it free, one way or the other." "You will never make Cal- ifornia free as long as I'm here," the Alcalde yelled. "And for your insolent words, I challenge you to a duel." He slapped Don Luis in the face with a glove. Don Luis took a glove of his own and slapped the Alcalde with it. The people moved back to give the combatants space as they proceeded to draw their swords. Carmen cried out, "Senores, stop this duel! There is still time to settle your differences!" Neither of them paid any attention to her. There was trou- ble coming, and there was nothing Carmen could do to stop it. ___________________________________________________ Diego heard Carmen try to stop the fight. He understood why, but he knew these two better than Carmen, and he knew that at this point, nothing could stop the duel. But if Don Luis won and kill- ed DeSoto, Zorro would pay Don Luis a visit to prevent further trouble. He watched as Don Luis and DeSoto began the duel. Both men were very good, and at first, the two seemed dead even. But soon, Don Luis began to gain the upper hand. DeSoto fought hard, but he was losing quickly. Finally, as DeSoto was draw- ing on his last bit of strength, he made a mistake, and Don Luis took advantage of it. He stabbed DeSoto in the heart. DeSoto fell to the ground, as Victoria and Carmen ran to him. Don Luis said, "With one stroke, the path to independence has begun!" "Not by bloodshed," Diego said. He went to Victoria and Car- men, who were busy examining the body. "Victoria, how is he?" he asked. "It's too late," Victoria said, trying to fight back tears. "He's dead. I didn't like him, but I didn't want him to die like this." After a moment's hesitation, Diego held Victoria and soothed her as she began to cry. Carmen looked up from the body of DeSoto, and asked, "Who's in charge of the garrison now?" Mendoza, looking pale, step- ped forward, and said, "I am, now. And Don Luis, you are under arrest for killing a man." Don Luis laughed and ran into the crowd. Mendoza ran to get the soldiers, as everyone else just stared at DeSoto's body. "I hope Zorro stops him," said Victoria, as Diego let her go. "Don't worry, he will," said Diego. "I'm certain about that." They then heard a horse gallping away from the back of the tavern. Mendoza and the soldiers ran past, but nobody who heard the sounds believed they'd find Don Luis. __________________________________________________ A few minutes later Carmen was glad Ivy and Zack had agreed to remain inside the church. This was proof of how dangerous Don Luis was. The doctor, a Dr. Hernandez, had come to examine the body. He confirmed the terrible fact to all the people present. Mendoza said that Don Luis had gotten away, but that the sol- diers would be on his trail soon enough. All but one, that is. Cor- poral Sepuleveda would be galloping to Monterey as fast as possible to alert the Governor to the death of Alcalde DeSoto. He had a letter asking permission for fresh horses at every mission and pueblo in the name of the Governor. Carmen was glad all these steps were being taken, but she knew the soldiers wouldn't be ve- ry successful in capturing Don Luis. After all, they had had no luck in capturing Diego/Zorro. However, Zorro would be successful in capturing Don Luis, if he knew where Don Luis would be hiding. thought Carmen. But as she turned to ask Victoria where Don Luis might try to hide, she saw Diego talking quietly to Victoria. thought Carmen. That didn't real- ly surprise her. _______________________________________________ "So you think he might have gone there, Victoria?" "I don't know for certain, Diego," said Victoria. "I think so, but I'm not positive." "Gracias anyway, Victoria," Diego said. He then turned to Don Alejandro and asked, "Do you think we should stay here or go back to the hacienda and have breakfast there?" "Under the circumstances, I don't have the desire to have breakfast here," said Don Ale- jandro. "Nor do I," said Carmen. Diego then asked Felipe if he wished to stay in the area, or if he wished to return to the hacienda. Felipe signalled that he wished to go back. "Victoria, we must return to the hacienda," said Don Ale- jandro. "It has nothing to do with you." "I understand," said Vic- toria. "I just hope Zorro can find Don Luis." Diego said, "He's a very good tracker, from what I hear, so I believe he'll find Don Luis. The problem will be bringing him to justice." With that, all four said goodbye to Victoria and left for the de la Vega hacienda. ______________________________________________ Inside the de la Vega hacienda, an hour later After breakfast, Carmen said, "I saw you talking to Vic- toria. I suppose you were trying to find out where Don Luis might have gone?" "How did you know?" ask- ed Diego. "I planned to ask her the same question," Carmen explained. "To help me," said Diego. "Or to be more precise, to help Zorro. You're correct. I did ask Victoria where Don Luis might have gone." "Did she have any idea where he might have gone?" asked Don Alejandro. "She doesn't know for cer- tain, but she thinks he might have gone to the hacienda of Don Andres de la Cruz to the west, on the road to San Pedro," said Diego. "Why does she believe he went there?" asked Carmen. "About an hour before we both arrived at the tavern, he left the tavern and galloped a- way from the tavern," Diego ex- plained. "He was gone for a couple of hours, and when he returned, she asked him where he went. He told her he went to see Don An- dres, whom he said he had met on the way to Los Angeles." "Does Don Andres support violent revolution?" asked Car- men. "Or is he violent?" "He supports revolution," said Don Alejandro. "I fear he doesn't care much whether it is gradual or violent." Diego turned to Felipe, who made the sign of Z. "Yes, Felipe," said Diego. "Saddle Tornado. Zorro will be riding tonight." "May I accompany you?" asked Carmen. "That may be a problem," said Diego. "I don't want you riding a de la Vega horse near where I am. You might be seen and that might lead the trail back to me. But you might be able to ride on Tornado -- if he'll let you. If he does, you can come with us." Carmen nodded. Don Luis had to be stopped. And she felt Diego/Zorro could use all the help he could get with Don Luis. thought Carmen. To be continued